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How to Communicate Effectively with Your Teen


Talking to a teenager can sometimes feel like talking to a brick wall. However, with the right strategies, it's possible to create an environment that encourages your teenager to open up and communicate more.  Creating a safe environment, actively listening, validating their feelings, asking meaningful, open-ended questions, and explaining the reasons behind rules will each assist you in building an open and honest connection with your teen. 


Create a Safe Environment

When you create a safe, comfortable environment for teenagers to effectively communicate, it begins by fostering trust and mutual respect. Teenagers need to feel that they can express themselves without fear of judgment, criticism, or excessive reaction. Showing genuine interest in their thoughts, being approachable and actively listening without interrupting or dismissing their emotions helps create a safe environment. Validate their feelings by acknowledging their experiences while maintaining a calm, supportive tone, even while discussing sensitive topics. Ask open ended questions that encourage deeper conversations, this invites them to share their opinion, helping them feel heard, and valued. Providing a private and non-threatening space for conversations, free from distractions, further encourages teens to share openly and honestly. 



Listen Actively

When you communicate with your teenager, it’s important to listen actively. Listening actively shows your teen that their thoughts and feelings matter, strengthening your trust and respect. Creating a safe space and strengthening your trust will help your teenager open up about their emotions, experiences, or anxieties. Here are some tips to help active listening:  

  • Eliminate distractions like phones, televisions, music or multitasking.  

  • Be patient and be present, take a moment to reflect before you respond and allow them to speak without rushing them.  

  • Give them your full attention, make eye contact, face them, and use open body language to show engagement 

  • Use non-verbal cues like nodding, smiling or using the appropriate facial expression to show interest. 

  • Acknowledge emotions, validate their feelings without judgment. 

  • Reflect and paraphrase, summarize or paraphrase what they’ve said to confirm understanding. 

  • Following up, checking in later is another way to show them you care.  



Validate their Feelings

Acknowledge their feelings, even when you don't agree with their decisions or opinion, it's important to recognize their feelings and emotions. Let them feel heard, before giving any advice or judgment, validating their feelings is important, reassuring your teenager that their feelings are valid helps them feel important and normal. When teens know they won’t be dismissed or criticized, they are more likely to express themselves honestly, strengthening the parent-child bond. Validating their emotions helps teach them how to regulate and understand their feelings, creating emotional intelligence and trust in the relationship.  


Ask Open Ended Questions

Communicating effectively also includes asking open-ended questions to your teenager. Unlike closed questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no”, open ended questions encourage reflection, and elaboration inviting them to share their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives in greater depth. These questions show your genuine interest in understanding them, which can strengthen your relationship. For example, instead of asking, "Did you have a good time at school?" you might ask, "What was the most interesting thing that happened at school today?" This approach also gives teens the space to express themselves on their terms, encouraging independence and helping you better understand their evolving thoughts and emotions. 


Set Clear Boundaries

When setting boundaries with young children and teenagers, it’s extremely important to communicate rules and expectations while explaining the reasoning behind them. When you explain why you need to set rules rather than expecting blind compliance helps strengthen understanding and cooperation. Teenagers are curious individuals capable of critical thinking, explaining a rule, showing you respect for their intelligence and encouraging them to think about the bigger picture. As they grow, it can be beneficial to include them in the reasoning process, being open to renegotiation as they grow. This helps them develop their decision-making skills and a sense of responsibility. 


Effective communication with teenagers is built on strong trust, respect and a genuine effort to understand their perspective. Creating a safe environment, actively listening, validating their feelings, asking thoughtful, open-ended questions, and explaining the reasons behind rules, will help you create an open and honest relationship with your teenager. To keep up with their need for independence and rapidly evolving bodies, it requires patience and effort, investing in clear, empathetic communication.

If your teenager is facing challenges and you believe they may find individual therapy helpful, reach out to schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation with one of our adolescent therapists today. Contact us at 416 949 9878 or


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